Got an idea to share?

Do you have an idea for Gombert's Student Council?

Write it here!

Next Student Council Meeting

Date: Monday, March 18th
Time: 8:20am
Location: Mrs. Njos's classroom - Meet in lobby by main office!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

NICOR Poster Contest Winners

Gombert Student Council is proud to announce the winners of the "Energy by Design" poster contest by NICOR.

Congratulations to Josh who is a finalist!  He won a $200 savings bond, prize package, a pizza party fo his class, and a congratulatory plaque recognizing him.

Congratulations to Abhi who is the GRAND PRIZE winner.  He won a $1,000 savings bond, prize package, a pizza party for his class, and a congratulatory plaque recognizing him.

Abhi's teacher will receive a classroom grant of $1,000 and a congratulatory plaque for her student winning the GRAND PRIZE.

The contest was to design a poster to show how to become more aware of how you use energy and the effect on the environment.  Entries were judged on how effectively they communicated the theme of energy efficiency and the visual presentation of that idea.

Congrats again to Josh and Abhi!


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Happy Birthday, Gigi!

All of the Gombert Gator community would like to wish Gigi a Happy 1st Birthday!  She had an incredible celebration with pencils and a special birthday hat!

Happy Birthday, Gigi!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Student Council News for April

Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 16th for our "Gator" Market (formerly rummage sale) / Bake & Plant Sale from 9:30am-3pm.  Need more information on this event of want to donate to the Bake or Plant Sale?  E-mail &/or  Money from this event will go to buy a tree for the front of the school to replace the one that was damaged.  Please consider participating in the sale or supporting the sales.

Election for the 2011-2012 officers will begin in  mid-April.  This is for current 3rd and 4th graders.  Thrid grade may run for Vice-President or Secretary.  Fourth grade may run for President or Treasurer.  Information will be given to all interested and posted on our blog.  Representatives for each room will be selected in August/September.

Ongoing projects are:
1. Pop tops for Ronald McDonald House Charities
2. Blank note cards for our Soldiers

Thanks for visiting our blog!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Gator Market/Bake Sale/Plant Sale

Check out the flyer below about Gombert's upcoming Gator Market/Bake Sale/Plant Sale brought to you by Student Council!

*Click the flyer to enlarge and print it!