Got an idea to share?

Do you have an idea for Gombert's Student Council?

Write it here!

Next Student Council Meeting

Date: Monday, March 18th
Time: 8:20am
Location: Mrs. Njos's classroom - Meet in lobby by main office!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Student Council Breakfast

For our last meeting in the year 2010 and to celebrate the holidays, Student Council will be having a breakfast for the student council representatives and officers during our meeting on December 20th.  Below you will find the green sheet that went home with students at the meeting on November 29th.  Please talk at home to determine what item you would like to bring to donate to the breakfast.  Have a parent/guardian fill out the form and bring it back to school before December 14th.  This is just a breakfast for Student Council Class Representatives and Officers!  Thanks again and we will see you at the breakfast!

Mrs. Korda and Mrs. Njos

*Click on the form to enlarge and print it!

Student Council News for November

The Rummage sale went well.  We had many families participating.  Thanks to all who donated to both the Rummage and Bake Sales.

The bake sale was really successful.  We had lots of yummy treats for sale.  We raised over $270.00 for the Ronald McDonald House Charities and we are getting Dr. Pepper Soda Company to match our donation dollar for dollar.

Red Ribbon Week was filled with many spirit activities.  We are glad we participated in the letter writing to the Stamp Recognition Committee to try to get the DEA agent put on a postage stamp.  Writing the letters was the right thing to do for the sacrifice he made to try to keep drugs out of this country.

In November, we will be helping with the Veteran's Day assembly, another spirit day, and looking forward to creating "G Cards" for soldiers, more on this later.

Got pop??? Save the top.  There is a collection container in the LMC for the can pop tops.  These will be turned in to the Ronald McDonald House.

Have questions about Student Council---- what spirit day is it?; what do I need to send into school?; how long is that going on?; or do you have an idea that you want to share?  CHECK OUT our blog -

"G Cards" for Soldiers Angels

Thank you to all the students who have created "G Cards" for soldiers.  We will be sending off our first sets of cards in December.  We have already collected over 200 cards!  Great job!

As just a reminder, these cards will be sent to soldier in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard.  Make sure no names are included on the cards! 

All cards are being sent to a program called Soldiers Angels.  In honor of the program, the Gombert Student Council will be purchasing a commemorative flag to hang above the donation bin!  If you would like to see a picture of the flag, click here!

Please continue to make cards for soldiers and place them in the bin the Gombert LMC!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cards for Soldiers - "G" Cards

As an ongoing project, the Gombert Student Council is sponsoring a service project to help send packages of cards to soldiers.  To support our troops, students are asked to create cards for soldiers that they can use to send messages to their family and friends while they are overseas .

Students can make cards out of standard 8 1/2 x 11 inch computer paper in three different sizes:
1. half fold

2. tri-fold
3. quarter fold

Envelopes will be provided by student council, so all we need are the cards!  As a helpful reminder, there should be no writing on the cards, as this allows the soldiers to use the cards for any occasion (birthdays, holidays, etc.)

Don't feel like you are artisitc enough?  The Gombert Student Council is also looking for donations of gallon size ziploc baggies to package the cards into and pens (not pencils) to include in the packages.

All donations can be placed in the red, white, and blue basket that is located in the LMC.  The Gombert Student Council will be packaging the cards in December, February/March, and May to send to soldiers!  Thank you so much in advance for your support of this program!
*Click on the flyers below for more details about this program and for pictures of sample cards!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Pajama Program Donations NEEDED!

In order to help kick-off the gift giving season, Gombert has decided to participate in the The Great Bedtime Story Pajama Drive sponsored by Scholastic.  It's simple to participate:

1. Donate a pair of new pajamas from newborn to adult sizes. (complete sets or nightgowns only please!)

2. For every pair of pajamas donated, Scholastic will donate a book to accompany each pair of pajamas.

Last year, Scholastic donated over 18,000 pairs of pajamas and 18,000 books to those in needed.  The goal this year has been raised to 25,000 and Gombert wants to help make that happen!

Click here to learn more about The Great Bedtime Story Pajama Drive sponsored by Scholastic.

Here are two additional flyers with information for Gombert families about the Pajama Drive.
*Click the flyers to enlarge and print them!