Got an idea to share?

Do you have an idea for Gombert's Student Council?

Write it here!

Next Student Council Meeting

Date: Monday, March 18th
Time: 8:20am
Location: Mrs. Njos's classroom - Meet in lobby by main office!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Student Council Club Pictures

On Thursday, February 17th, club pictures will be taken for the 2010-2011 yearbook.  When Student Council is called ONLY class representatives and officers should report for pictures, not alternates.  Hopefully this clarifies any confusion.

Please see Mrs. Njos or Mrs. Korda with further questions!

Energy By Design Poster Contest

This is just a helpful reminder from Student Council that all NICOR Energy Poster Contest submissions are due to your classroom teachers by Tuesday, February 1st.  NO LATE posters will be accepted! 

Thanks so much for your cooperation.  Happy Drawing and Good Luck Gators!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Energy by Design Poster Details

If your are participating in the Energy by Design poster contest, here are some specific rules:
The poster must be 8 1/2" x 11" or 11" x 17" size.  The poster must include original artwork - no clipart is allowed.  The poster can be drawn or computer generated.  Each poster must have an official entry form attached plus the student's reflection on what they have learned.

A grand prize winner will be selected in each of these areas: K-2, 3-5, and 6-8.  The grand prize winner will be awared a $1,000 saving bond, a pizza party for their class, and a prize pack with age appropriate prizes.  The teacher of the winning student will receive a $1,000 grant for their classroom.

1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will receive a $200 savings bond, a pizza party for their class, and a prize pack with age appropriate prizes.

The deadline for poster submissions is Tuesday, February 1st.  This provides Student Council with enough time to get all posters mailed off to Energy by Design on time.

Each teacher should submit all of their posters to Student Council at the same time.  Thank you in advance for your help and cooperation.

*Click the flyers below for a print out of the details!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Energy by Design Contest

Student Council is sponsoring an upcoming event at Gombert.  Energy by Design is a poster contest developed by Nicor and the National Energy Foundation for kids in grades kindergarten through eighth grade.  Students are challenge to combine their artistic talents with the ability to portray how to use energy efficiently.

Several teachers at Gombert and their classes will be participating in this program.  Informational packets have been ordered and students will be receiving the details for the poster contest shortly.

If you are interested in learning about Energy by Design, click here for more information!

Student grand prize winners will be awared a $1,000 savings bond, a pizza party for their class, and a prize pack.  The teacher of the winning student will receive a $1,000 grant for their classroom.

More details to come!

Upcoming Spirit Week

During the week of January 24th -28th, students at Gombert will be making a difference for local families.  This Spirit Week is titled "Making a Change" for Local Families.  Each day, student council is hosting a theme and collecting spare change.  All the money collected throughout the week will be used to purchase gift cards to donate to local families in need.  Check out these great spirit days coming up:

Monday, January 24th - Collect pennies: Staff wear blue, KN & 5th wear green, 1st & 4th wear purple, 2nd & 3rd wear red
Tuesday, January 25th - Collect nickels: wear neon colors
Wednesday, January 26th - Collect dimes: dress for success
Thursday, January 27th - Collect quarters: mix up colors/patterns
Friday, January 28th - Collect spare change: wear Gator gear